The Dissemination Of Economic Ideas
Edited by Heinz D. Kurz, Professor of Economics, University of Graz, Austria, Tamotsu Nishizawa, Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, Japan and Keith Tribe, Department of History, University of Sussex, UK
This highly illuminating book marks a significant stage in our growing understanding of how the development of national traditions of economic thought has been affected by both internal and external factors.
September 2011, 392 pp, Hardback
Gunnar Myrdal, Friedrich A. Von Hayek, Robert W. Fogel, Douglass C. North And Amartya K. Sen
Edited by Howard R. Vane, Emeritus Professor of Economics, Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University, UK and Chris Mulhearn, Reader in Economics, Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
‘These volumes complement Vane and Mulhearn’s critically acclaimed book, The Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics, and are an indispensable guide to key developments in modern economics.’
– Mark Blaug, University of London and University of Buckingham, UK
September 2011, 872 pp, Hardback
Herbert A. Simon, George J. Stigler And Ronald H. Coase
Edited by Howard R. Vane, Emeritus Professor of Economics, Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University, UK and Chris Mulhearn, Reader in Economics, Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
‘These volumes complement Vane and Mulhearn’s critically acclaimed book, The Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics, and are an indispensable guide to key developments in modern economics.’
– Mark Blaug, University of London and University of Buckingham, UK
September 2011, 320 pp, Hardback
James M. Buchanan, Gary S. Becker, Daniel Kahneman And Vernon L. Smith
Edited by Howard R. Vane, Emeritus Professor of Economics, Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University, UK and Chris Mulhearn, Reader in Economics, Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
‘What a brilliant idea! To provide readers with both information on the Nobel Laureates in Economics and, to the degree possible, the original papers for which they were honored. The names of the “contributing” Laureates speak for themselves. Howard Vane and Chris Mulhearn, the editors, and Edward Elgar, the publisher, are to be congratulated for putting the idea into effect.’
– Warren J. Samuels, Michigan State University, US
September 2011, 544 pp, Hardback
Ragnar A.k. Frisch, Jan Tinbergen And Lawrence R. Klein
Edited by Howard R. Vane, Emeritus Professor of Economics, Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University, UK and Chris Mulhearn, Reader in Economics, Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
‘What a brilliant idea! To provide readers with both information on the Nobel Laureates in Economics and, to the degree possible, the original papers for which they were honored. The names of the “contributing” Laureates speak for themselves. Howard Vane and Chris Mulhearn, the editors, and Edward Elgar, the publisher, are to be congratulated for putting the idea into effect.’
– Warren J. Samuels, Michigan State University, US
September 2011,432 pp, Hardback
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