l'Associazione Italiana per la Storia dell'Economia Politica (STOREP) promuove il Workshop internazionale "Economic Theories and Policies. A Historical Perspectives (1945-2002)".
Il Workshop si terrà a Roma il 21-22 settembre 2011 presso la Facoltà di Scienze Politiche dell'Università di Roma Tre (Room 2b) , Via G. Chiabrera 199 ed è organizzato da Veronica Anelli, Piero Bini, Katia Caldari,Francesco Cattabrini, Simona Ferrulli e Fabio Masini.
Il programma del workshop può essere scaricato da
Theories, events and public choices are closely interdependent factors in the production and circulation of ideas. The economic literature often singles out causal nexuses between events and economic policy reactions, implying that the latter responds to the formers. In turn, it is often underlined that policy makers “demand” economic theories in support of their choices. This is an interpretative model we may define “highly exogenous”, because events represent exogenous shocks on the policy making process and, as a second step, on the search for theories. Its interpretative capacity is nevertheless weak: the relationship among theories, choices, events is much more complex, less linear, often bi-univocal, with some unforeseeable “short
circuits”. In order to tackle with such complexity, it is necessary to use a model
which assumes the inherent interdependence of such variables and singles out the time
evolution of their reciprocal influences which, in turn, generate new events, theories and policies. The workshop is a step within a wider international project aiming at analysing the theoretical debates and the main choices of economic policy after WWII, considering some relevant national cases and some international economic institutions. It seeks to reconstruct the relational complexity which characterizes the network of economic theory, policymaking processes and the most important events of the time span considered. Through a comparative analysis among single (nations/institutions) cases, the workshop will attempt to find some interpretative keys that make explicit such “circuits” among facts.
Invited speakers:
Veronica Anelli
University o Florence
Roger Backhouse
University of Birmingham
Bradley Bateman
Dennison University, USA
Piero Bini
University of Roma Tre
Erik Buyst
University of Leuven
Francesco Cattabrini
University of Roma Tre
James Forder
Balliol College Oxford
Harald Hagemann
University of Hohenheim
Johan Lönnroth
University of Goteborg
Ivo Maes
University of Leuven - Belgium National Bank
Fabio Masini
University of Roma Tre
Jean Pisani-Ferri
University of Paris-Dauphine
Masazumi Wakatabe
Waseda University, Tokyo
Juan Zabalza
University of Saragoza
Wednesday 21 September 2011
09.30 First Session. Chair: M. Cristina Marcuzzo
· Piero Bini and Fabio Masini, University of Roma Tre
Economic Theories and Policies. Setting the Table
· Harald Hagemann, University of Hohenheim
Economic Theories and Policies in Germany
11.00 Coffee break
11.30 Second Session. Chair: Harald Hagemann
· Masazumi Wakatabe, Waseda University, Tokyo
Central Banking, Japanese Style: Economics and the Bank of Japan, 1945-2010
· Roger Backhouse, University of Birmingham and James Forder, Balliol College Oxford
Economic Theories and Policies in the UK
15.00 Third Session. Chair: Daniela Parisi
· Juan Zabalza, University of Saragoza
Economic Theories and Policies throughout Dictatorship and Democracy. Spain 1945-2009
· Ivo Maes, University of Leuven - Belgium National Bank
Economic Thought and Policy: Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa at the European Commission
16.30 Coffee break
17.00 Fourth Session. Chair: Annalisa Rosselli
· Piero Bini, University of Roma Tre
Economic Theories and Policies in Italy in the 1970s
· Francesco Cattabrini, University of Roma Tre
The Modigliani controversy: from theory to policy and back
Thursday 22 September 2011
09.00 Fifth Session. Chair: Roger Backhouse
· Johan Lönnroth, University of Goteborg
Who came first: Politicians or academic economists?
· Erik Buyst, University of Leuven
Economic Thought and Policy in Belgium (1944-1999)
10.30 Coffee break
11.00 Sixth Session. Chair: Piero Bini
· Bradley Bateman, Dennison University, USA
Rethinking the Monetarist Experience: Monetary Theory and Monetary Policy in the United States
· Jean Pisani-Ferri, University of Paris-Dauphine
French Economic Policy: Have we Learned?
· Veronica Anelli, University of Florence
IMF conditionality and the changing economic paradigms
13.15 End of Workshop