martedì 27 settembre 2011

Economia Politica - New Issue

The new issue of Economia Politica - Journal of Analytical and Instiutional Economics has been published

Economia Politica - Vol. XXVIII, no. 2
(English version)



For the Development of Middle East and North Africa. Sovereign Wealth Fund, European Union, Arab League and Others
by Alberto Quadrio Curzio


Forecasting Errors: Yet More Problems for Identification?
by Bruno Contini

The Solow Growth Model with Endogenous Migration Flows and Congested Public Capital
by Romano Piras

Labour Market Assimilation and Over-Education: The Case of Immigrant Workers in Italy
by Carlo Dell’Aringa and Laura Pagani


The Positive Analysis of Consumption Externalities
by Emanuela Randon


Arrow K.J. - Sen A. - Suzumura K. (2011), Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 2
di Pier Carlo Nicola

Orléan A. (2010), Dall’euforia al panico. Pensare la crisi finanziaria e altri saggi
by Alberto Russo

Abstracts of all published articles are available following the links above. Instructions on how to access all the articles full-text can be obtained from the web site of the publisher Il Mulino following the link "Subscriptions and downloads" available at

Suggestions and/or questions to the Editor in Chief must be addressed to Centro di Ricerca in Analisi Economica e Sviluppo Economico Internazionale - CRANEC (Research Centre in Economic Analysis and International Economic Development - CRANEC) to the following e-mail: